Thursday, 29 July 2010

Field hospital update

Medicines so far consumed on the journey:

Diclofenac 950mg
Metochlopramide 10mg
Ibuprofen 1.2g
Paracetamol 4g
Chlorpheniramine 32mg
Lansoprazole 15mg
1 x sleeping draught
Brown and blue puffs
Germaline and sudocreme
Numerous dressings
3 different insect repellants


  1. Hi chaps, Great to read the blog, most amusing, especially the pop songs. And you're managing to do some great distances, 50% more than I managed on my ride, but there, that's age for you. But I don't think I needed so many drugs to do it, probably because the mossies wren't in evidence in the way they are up in the Tundra. Isn't it amazing how the days all centre on eating- refuel every hour, that was my motto, preferably in a Dutch coffee shop. Keep the blogs coming. Polish John

  2. AHH A BLOG!

    this will provide me with a summer of vicarious pining

    i cannot believe you women are out there already at this, the opposite end of the world in multiple ways, plus with access to the world wide net?! what is this. i assumed you would be drifting on plankwood and oily fish, with no communication modes. but this is good because it gives me a method by which to send you my belated Farewell Collage, which i have yet to complete.

    Wonderful Antiquarians!

  3. blog update

    The Juggler
    4 8 10

