After a particulary brutal long climb up out of Brienza, I pass the lead onto Philippa, and as ever, having done my entire 10km uphill, Philippas is a blissful 10km down, in probably a 20th of the time it took to do mine! Such is the joy of cycling.
We find ourselves in a wide flat valley, the likes of which we havent seen since Austria. Theres mountains either side and we are able to (almost) cruise along, although a little more slowly than usual. Before long, the inevitable happens, and as we are having a break at the roadside, a car pulls up and enters into conversation with us (ok just with Philippa, Hazel and I pretend to understand and nod along). Francesco is a keen cyclist and insists on buying us coffee. Never people to turn down free caffeine we accept, and enjoy pleasant chat (ok, again, Hazel and I are just smiling) and gain invites to Francescos home should we be in the area. We have no idea where the area is, but we appreciate the gesture all the same. You cant say the Italians arent welcoming. Well, the men at least, are very friendly. In a nice way though, they genuinely cant be of more help to us. With smiles on our faces, boosted by yet another warm human experience we continue on our way.
Unfortunately the wide flat valley abruptly ends, replaced by mountains. As we watch the lovely smooth motorway head off into a nice tunnel through them we ponder as to why all motorways do not come with bike lanes attached....We decide not to risk the Autostrada today and head off on the state road instead, which reassuringly, Francesco has assured is, is quite dangerous. If by dangerous he means so steep you can only cycle at 5mph then he is correct, for we are not bothered by any heavy traffic. Just the occasional Fiat Panda or three wheeled van which threatens to fall apart on the road in front of us, perhaps causing us harm by inhalation of their noxious fumes! Its a long winding climb and at 9%, also very slow. Eventually we make it to the pass at the top, approx 800m above sea level. Blissfully we now get to drop down to our resting place at 400m, so its a squealing of breaks as we roll down the bends into Lagonegro. Yet another beautiful mountain top town, and Hazel even blesses the scenery with the ultimate compliment, "It reminds me of Wales".
We struggle to locate any accommodation and on finding the pension full, follow the vague directions of an old lady up the hill to a hotel. We follow the arrow of her pointing hand and find ourselves on a very cobbled, very narrow and extremely steep track. We dont really believe it is a road, more of a crack between two houses. And yet more cars continue to squeeze through, obviously heading somewhere. Despite the girls suggestions that we turn back "Theres no way there could be a hotel up here" I suggest we consult that last resort of cycle touring.....the IPhone. Google maps informs us that we should be directly opposite a hotel, and although we think maybe google maps has misjudged our location, I trot down a side "road" which may have had steps on it, (easily tackled by a Fiat Panda no doubt). Lo and behold, theres a massive hotel perched on the hillside. Joyfully we check in (its super cheap for some reason) and rest peacefully, with the knowledge its all smooth downhill to the sea tomorrow......
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