34.74km in 1hr30. Avg 23kmph. Odo 5371.9km
Waking in the dim light of dawn. Coffe and bread for breakfast, and back on the road. A little bruised, not the bests nights sleep. Not too far to Pescara though, and then onto San Salvo to catch up with the family (near enough....)
Stop at Lidl to replenish supplies, Hazel is hazy...which makes me a little nervous after yesterday's incident....
Executive decision to stop and have a good nights rest in a hotel... Checkin at 11:30 and hit the beach in Guilianova, much to the teenage-girl-esque excitement of Ali and Hazel who continue to harbour a strange obsession with Australia first female prime minister (who also happened to be born in Hazel's hometown of Barry).
Lazy day of sunbathing, swimming, longjump and coffee, stock up for tomorrow and make plans to cross the country. Decide its probably safe to return to our old habit of hotel cook-ups on the camp stove and enjoy a delicious dinner of pasta with rocket, pesto and fresh tomatoes, marred only by the knock at the door halfway through the cooking of the pasta, that sent me flying across the room to hide the stove and boiling pot of pasta behing the fridge whilst Haezl scurried around madly trying to remove all evidence of food being consumed in the hotel room.... The kind smile on the face of the elderly night porter was surely just a front before we got kicked out of the hotel... my heart racing, I smile back... he just wanted to let us know that we'd left the key in the lock!!! We finish our dinner in fits of laughter and tuck up for the night...big day ahead tomorrow!!!
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